آراء المشاركين

ميثاق سعادة العملاء

حرص أندرسون للتدريب على تقديم خدمات من شأنها أن تسعِد عملاءها و تفوق توقعاتهم، و ذلك من خلال:​

  • التعامل مع جميع إحتياجات المشاركين بكفاءة و مهنية و جودة عالية.
  • تقديم الخدمات من خلال فريق عمل متعاون يتمتع بالمعرفة و يتفهم إحتياجات المشاركين و يستطيع الرد على إستفساراتهم.
  • توفير المعلومات بشفافية و التعامل مع معلوماتكم بسرية و خصوصية و أمانة.
  • الترحيب بآراء المشاركين و إقتراحاتهم لتطوير الخدمات، و إعتبارها مدخلاً رئيسياً من مدخلات التطوير و الإبتكار

الآراء التالية مقتبسة من تعليقات حقيقية قدّمها المشاركون في الدورات التدريبية التي حضروها، و التي نعتبرها الحافز للمضي قدماً لتحقيق الأفضل.

Blenda Mi ria Nakkazi

28 Mar - 01 Apr 2021, Dubai, UAE
Mohammad has exhibited knowledge in competence development and this has enabled him to share the skill and knowledge he has.

Sarah Agnes Nyamwenge

28 Mar - 01 Apr 2021, Dubai, UAE
The trainer was knowledgeable and able to help us understand the concepts; linking it to our on the job context. The material (on the slides) was easy to follow. We were also able to refer to the handbook for some areas and this was clear. The presenter was very helpful; the good thing is he was able to focus on areas of concern for us. We are ticking of the list of expectations from this training as the presenter is helping achieve them. I particularly like the extra information shared to help us better understand the concepts. It was also helpful to continually re-emphasize the critical aspects necessary for developing the framework.

Samuel Chijioke Ekwueme

25 Nov - 29 Nov 2019, Houston, USA
This is a very interesting course and I will recommend it to current and respective leaders. The concept of visualization and branding is very critical to leadership.

Chinasa Ezeogu

25 Nov - 29 Nov 2019, Houston, USA
The course was very insightful for leadership. The trainer is quite knowledgeable and made the class interesting. The videos were very impactful as well. I thoroughly enjoyed the course and have learnt a lot. My fellow participants were also engaging during the programme. Thank you.

Bakanansa Hilda Walaga

25 Nov - 29 Nov 2019, London, UK
The session was a pleasant one. The flow of information was excellent. Thank you.

Tawah Abdulla Mohammed Al Dawood

18 Nov - 22 Nov 2019, London, UK
The lecturer was very supportive and he was explaining from his heart.

Sultan AlKhuraissi

04 Nov - 08 Nov 2019, London, UK
Great takeaways, concepts and new learning. Thanks.

Shaima Salem Rashed Al Kayoumi

17 Feb - 21 Feb 2019, Dubai, UAE
This course have exceeded my expectations. The material used were very beneficial and the instructor was amazingly engaging, informative and encouraging.

Hosam Hmdan Alghamdi

23 - 27 Dec 2018, Dubai, UAE
It was fruitful day. I learned a lot.

Kemi Kayode Afe

09 - 13 Jul 2017, Dubai, UAE
I am so happy I am part of this course. I learned a lot. I appreciate the course instructor she’s nice and a very intelligent woman. I love the course.

Esther Korkor Nani

17 - 21 Jul 2017, London, UK
The course is very useful and very comprehensive. It is the best I have attended so far. Facilitator is well versed in what he is talking and is on top of issues.

Esther Korkor Nani

17 - 21 Jul 2017, London, UK
The course is very useful and very comprehensive. It is the best I have attended so far. Facilitator is well versed in what he is talking and is on top of issues.

Gladys Awuku

30 Jul 2017 - 03 Aug 2017, Dubai, UAE
The course was very well delivered.

Fahd M. Alhamazani

07 - 11 Aug 2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
I thank Mr. Bradley for showing me that I can be successful.

Ahmed Haji Salem Raziqi Baghrib

07 - 11 Aug 2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
The course inspired me. The motivation and delegation were very excellent. This course was one of the best courses I ever attended.

Al Yazi Saeed Marzouq Al Qubaisi

20 - 24 Aug 2017, Dubai, UAE
Today’s class was really interesting. The instructor is doing really great job. Perfect instructor and course.

Lucy Sasu

25 - 29 Sep 2017, London, UK
Today’s class was really interesting. The instructor is doing really great job. Perfect instructor and course.

Ernest Gyepi-Garbrah

25 - 29 Sep 2017, London, UK
Very interactive and impressive discussions with role play sessions.

Edbert Oyesiga

02 - 06 Oct 2017, Rome, Italy
The course was interesting, it engaged practical and value. The instructor was fantastic.

Aliyu Lawal Idrees

12 - 16 Nov 2017, Dubai, UAE
The course is very useful in terms of all financial, economic and operational decision making.

Husain Ali Alfardan

26 - 30 Nov 2017, Dubai
Very useful and interesting information. The course has really added value to my knowledge.

Raedah Naif Al Johaim

26 - 30 Nov 2017, Saudi Arabia
Thanks for all the important information you shared with us. Ken is a very nice instructor.